Forming of harmonic (cultural, professional, healthy) civil society

as the factor of harmonization of civil society

Evgeny G. Bryndin

Research center “NATURE INFORMATIC” Russia, Novosibirsk



Main state of nature is harmony. State of Supreme Nature is Absolute harmony. Mutable Nature keeps the state of harmony in process of development of collective organization. Purpose state of humanity as part of Mutable Nature and Supreme Spirit Nature is harmony. Cause-consequence regularity of harmonization of Universe directs development of collective organization of humanity on base of free choice to harmonic state. Humanity follows to harmonic state on base forming of weltanschauung about harmonic state of person, harmonic life activity of person and society, harmony of person society and Nature.

Person with harmonic weltanschauung has moral consciousness, humane spirit, good will and healthy organism. Proportion moral consciousness and humane spirit for creation of good conducts personality to sensible truthful choice. Sensible truthful choice of harmonic cultural rational values conducts personalities and society to harmony with Nature. Harmony of personalities, society and Nature shows as result of self-organization inner interaction of society with external interaction of Nature on law of collective organization development.

Cultural and rational values of civil society direct formation of social processes. Modern civil society with liberal values can not conquer the negative social appearances, as corruption, prostitution, terror, race discrimination, unemployment, poverty.

Liberal values have strong rational component and weak cultural component. These values lead to the demoralization people with low level of culture. These people have inclination to unjust attitude and amoral activity. These people carry out the social processes of demoralization of society.

Europe has historical experience in forming and development of civil society. States with undeveloped civil society enter in European Union. European Union widens on base of liberal values. European Union will have many problems.

Humanity has possibility to realize passage from rational liberal values to harmonic cultural rational values and confirm them over new social laws with civil society. System of education forms public consciousness with harmonic cultural rational imperative on laws of Supreme Nature [1]. Social laws elaborate legislative authority. Regulation of social-economic processes carries out executive and legal authorities. Forming cultural professional and healthy society carries out citizens. Education and development of person will be main right. Then consciousness will be cultural, but the rationality will be creative, professional and reasonable. Civil society will use resources on creative, professional and reasonable vital activity. Harmonic cultural rational imperative of consciousness is the community with which everyone realizes spiritual reasonable purposes by peaceable humane way.

This passage can neutralize the negative social processes of civil society.

Concrete steps

  1. Forming cultural, professional, healthy civil society, where each person with high level of cultural intercourse has skill to dispose himself on robust state.
  2. Perfect part of civil society directs social formations to statement of peaceable eternal existence of generation tradition.
  3. Tradition of peaceable eternal existence of generations forms humane spirit of person, truthful family, cultural and healthy society, steady balance of vital and social systems.
  4. Humane spirit of person forms trust relations with society.
  5. Truthful family forms prolonged relations of family tradition.
  6. Cultural and healthy society forms prolonged relations between generations on base spirit and physical cultural tradition.
  7. Steady balance of vital and social systems secures viable generation.
  8. Universal civil education for forming skill to become cultural and healthy person.
  9. Forming spirit and physical cultural tradition on base steady universal eternal spirit and material laws.
  10. Social orientation ecological economic, in which resources distribute on cultural and healthy vital activity and true needs over streams of resource market and funds of development.
  11. Statement of harmonic cultural rational imperative of civil society and ethics lexicon of intercourse for unification of citizens.
  12. Introduce standard of healthy life style.
  13. Carry out development of civil society on base creative work in all directions of vital activity and effective use of resources.
  14. Forming cultural, professional and healthy consumption and creation.
  15. Development ecological non-medicine public health.



  1. Bryndin E.G. Establishing, stabilization and development of harmonic wholeness of a man and society. – Novosibirsk: NSU, 2001. – 180 p.





Establishing of Harmonic civil society

as a social-economic formation

of stable development

E. G. Bryndin

All-Russia social movement “Russia of High Morality”

The harmonic civil society possesses spiritual, civic, social and material well-being. Spiritual well-being is the co-ordinate interaction of world outlook of citizens. Civic well-being is social-economic conditions for predestine self-realization of every citizen. Social well-being is the process of improving of social-economic state structure by the way of moral professional rotation. Material well-being are processes of restoration of resources, technological cycles of ecological productions do not infringe conditions of self-restoration of an environment, spiritual regulation of the population on restoration of resources guaranteeing life to the future generations, utilization of resources on necessary true needs.

The harmonic civil society is formed citizens, joined in the process of harmonization of their vital activity according to the laws of the Genuine Nature. These laws become necessity for their being. Such basis of social life creates high public consciousness, forms moral social society, social relations and processes according to the laws of the Genuine Nature. It allows to contribute these laws into the constitution. The constitution will allow to create social laws, which will withdraw oppositions between man and Nature, man and society, human society and Nature. The laws of nature, society and a man at natural, social and labour levels will direct the people toward social-manufacturing processes, will support the system of the state establishment, will define the rights of the person and society, relations between people, between society and nature, as well as between one state and other states. They direct the people toward realization of their skills and will protect society from oppositions.

The harmonic civil society has its own social-economic features: fair social-economic conditions for the predestined self-realization of each citizen, spiritually pure professional state leaders of all levels, perfect relations between people working in social executive structures, stable life supply system with technological cycles of ecological production on restored resources, social processes of harmonization of society as the whole and every separate person, peaceful way of solving problems, spiritual regulation of the population, perfecting of social-economic structure in the process of moral professional rotation.

Fair social-economic conditions provide a possibility for everyone to be involved in the predestined activity. Natural economy in such conditions gives an opportunity for the extension of self-realization forms, ecological productions, restoration of resources, stable process of life-providing needs of harmonic style of life. Ecological productions do not infringe conditions of self-restoration of an environment. The spiritual regulation of the population on self-restoration of resources guarantees life to the future generations.

Harmonic life-style leads the people to the perfect relations, irrespective of professional orientation, it helps everyone in predestined self-realization. It will bring everyone, in its turn, to well-being. Personal well-being will lead to the well-being in the family, then the well-being in the family will result in the well-being of the nation. The knowledge about harmonization of vital activity will give young people a possibility for self-realization in harmonic life-style. Everyone becomes involved in a stable kind of society development.

The stable system of vital activity of any society is formed by spiritual, cultural, scientific, economic and social relations according to the Laws of the Genuine Nature. High spiritual level of the society promotes the absence of possible oppositions.

The predestined self-realization forms the society without “the Big” and “the little” ones due to faithful service to the Genuine Nature. The extension and development of self-realization is formed by the people and the fulfilment of social-economic conditions of development of the united predestined activity of the society lead to the development of social-economic structure of the country. People prove their perfect ability for activity through the extension of interaction with different groups of people.

The state level of problems, solved by them, with different groups of people shows the state level of their leadership, which they gained in the process of their moral professional rotation.

The morals – is a life according to the laws of harmonic life-style. Harmonic life-style (spiritually pure, professionally perfect, physically healthy) leads to perfect relations of the person with the person, society and nature.

There are two ways for the society: the way of force, which exists now and the way of peaceful proceeding to the harmonic vital activity, which the society is to choose.

The laws of Genuine Nature direct the transition to harmonic vital activity. Society can go along the way of this transition on the base of the law of the Highest Good: in order the society can possess the Highest Good, there should be a well-being for all the people of the society; in order all the people can possess well-being, there should be a well-being in every family; in order there is a well-being in every family – there should be a well-being in every person; in order there is a well-being in every person, every one’s heart should be pure; in order every one’s heart is pure, it is necessary that the thoughts should be truthful and conscious; in order the thoughts are truthful and conscious, there is a need in the highest level of knowledge; in order there is the highest level of knowledge, everyone should have virtue as his assistant. Humaneness should be the buttres for everyone. Spiritual insight should be a must.

The person with spiritual insight arrange his relations with other people on the base of the law of achieving Spirituality:

– with those whose spiritual development is higher he arranges the relations of respect, obedience and obeying;

– with those whose spiritual level is equal to his own he arranges the relations of goodwill, caring and sharing;

– with those whose spiritual level is lower he arranges the relations of patronage, kindness, help and compassion.

The spiritual insight opens the Highest Knowledge for a person and due to it leads him to perfect deeds.

The establishing of harmonic civil society begin with achievement of spiritual well-being. Society reaches spiritual well-being through social form of development and ascent of people.

One can recognize a society to be harmonic if, at first there is the fact of well-being for all the people, secondly - devoted service of the citizens to the Genuine Nature, thirdly, social-economic features.

The establishment of harmonic civil society will lead to the stable development of its harmonic activity on the base of the combined predestined activity, spiritual development, the Highest Knowledge, perfection of the life style by the people.

The laws of the Genuine Nature are the core of the stable development of society. These laws are the law of the stable development, the law of predicted activity, the law of supporting the development. These laws help to avoid such oppositions as a man and Nature, a man and society, society and Nature, etc. Using the laws of the Genuine Nature our Research Centre “Naturalinformatics” discovered the knowledge on harmonizing peoples activity and society. In our concept natural bases of the process of harmonizing, multinational unity, initial stage and constitutional orientation have been drafted [1]. In the manual “Nature of harmonic life style” knowledge on harmonic life style is stated [2]. A system of undertakings on step by step forming social-economic conditions is given in the strategy of tranzition to the stable harmonic activity [3]. Our conceptual strategy took part in the Russian competition “The way out of crisis for Russia”. In the brochure “Harmonic civil society” its social-economic features are stated [4]. The economy is given as a set of main positions [5]. In its basis the vital technological cycles on ecological productions with restored resources lie.

The doctrine of harmonic vital activity as a basis of establishing harmonic civil society is already used in different regions by legislative and executive organs who can support initiatives in harmonizing vital activity. There are some educational, cultural and medical institutions among them. This knowledge form public and political will toward stable development.

The All-Russian public movement “Russia of Morality” which is actually being formed holds different activities on establishing harmonic society through its regional departments [6]. At first, these are the activities on self-determination of the people of all age in harmonic life style (spiritually pure, professionally perfect and physically healthy). Young generation receives knowledge at school in the course of valeology, in medical Institutes at the Non-traditional Medicine Departments in other colleges at the department of social sciences. Secondly, through the system of health care the process of stabilization of harmonic adaptation of a person in Nature takes place, as well as the process of spiritual and energomaterial purification. Thirdly, the dialogue on forming social-economic conditions of stable development takes place between us and federal authorities at the level of the Center of the Presidential Programs, House of Government, Federal Convention.

Living according to the laws of the Genuine Nature one can really become perfect (spiritually pure, professional, physically healthy). Then the interests of humane soul and moral consciousness will subordinate material interests, and we shall pass due to self-realization to economy without negative phenomena (larceny, laziness, drunkenness, greed), when the workers get compensation, obtained in moral conditions. And the perfect citizens will make society perfect too. Human society needs badly such change. It should get rid of ignorance in the interrelations and pass to harmonic collectivism of human relations. Due to the pure state governing, public will of citizens, their humane intentions and good deeds – to the establishment of harmonic civil society as perfect public-economic formation, where the process of harmonization of human activity happens naturally. A person is harmonic in nature, when he lives spiritually pure, professionally perfect and physically healthy life. He is harmonic in the society, when he accomplishes perfect self-realization in fair social-economic conditions. The harmony of the society in nature occurs, when the system of stable life-support will be realized by moral social executive mechanisms through vital technological cycles of ecological productions on restored resources under pure state governing. Spiritually pure leaders with well developed spiritual insight, having High Knowledge, according to it and they initiate perfect activity of others.

Ahead of such leaders there is always collectively-individual perfection and there is no negativity around them. The pure leadership is formed in the process of moral professional rotation on the base of extension of the forms of self-realization. It will bring to the stable system of life support with technological cycles of ecological productions on restored resources, to just social-economic conditions for self-realization of every person, to the perfect relations of the working people in social executive mechanisms, to harmonic way of life of the people. The people, living harmonic life is hierarchically connected by the Genuine Nature. In accordance with the hierarchy the mundane spirit of mutual love will define humane collective organization of harmonic civil society, which is stabilized and improved by moral professional rotation. And then everyone will come to the realization in society his highest destiny, wanted by all. It will bring the society to the stable development [7].

Each state due to the international world-outlook on harmonic life will begin to manifest itself as an ecological formation, which restore the damaged evolutionary structures of the Earth and will become a harmonic ecologically, culturally and social-economically perfect society without oppositions. General world outlook of young generations will unite them in future in the international harmonic formation of stable development on the way of Spiritual Ascent of Humankind.

And then the process of restoration of evolutionary structures of the Earth will tune its natural transforming cycle to the current changes in the development of cosmic-biorythmical processes of the Universe.

The list of literature

1) Bryndin E. G. Concept of harmonization of vital activity of a man and society. – Novosibirsk: Publisher, 1997. 12 p.

2) Bryndin E. G. “Nature of harmonic life style: the manual on harmonization of a man and society. – Novosibirsk: Publisher, 1997. 44 p.

3) Bryndin E. G. Strategy of transition to stable harmonic vital activity. – Novosibirsk: Publisher, 1997. 38 p.

4) Bryndin E. G. Harmonic civil society. – Novosibirsk: NSU, 1998, – 25 p.

5) Bryndin E. G. Main positions of natural economy. – Novosibirsk: Publisher NSU, 1997. 19 p.

6) Bryndin E. G. Fundamentals of establishing harmonic civil society. – Novosibirsk: NSU, 1999. –140 p.

7) Bryndin E. G. Establishing and stable development of harmonic civil society. – Novosibirsk: NSU, 1999. –145 p.

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