The program of the
facultative course:
This program isа devoted to the
development of the information activity by the system with the natural
intellect for automatic realization of the information need. It contains
introduction, two parts and references. First part of the book is devoted to
possibilities of artificial intellect. The second part of the book contains
five chapters.
The fist part bases of natural imination are considered.
In the second part notionТs system which correlates the units of
knowledge with reality, and also conception base of natural presentation and
development of lnowledge, elementes of knowledge, notion of information need,
network of elementТs development of knowledge, notion of equivalence of
knowledge are given.
In the third part different modeles the development of knowledge are
Fourth part is devoted to the development of knowledge with the help of
the symbolthinking robot.
In the five part the technology of projection of symbolthinking robot.
This cource has theoretical and practical importance. This cource is
destined for specialistes in information processing.
Size of the rate - 77
Maintenance of the
1.1 Language phenomenon
Memory of man
A situational environment
Language memory
Alive languages and language sign systems
Language dialogue
Language thinking
Semantic situational environment
2.1 Formation of subject semantic situational
Realization of information needsа
Rules of sense Ц orientation
4. Theoreticalа
bases of symbolically- language thinking - 10 h.
4.1 Symbolically- language communicative logic
4.1.1 The sense Ц orientation dictionary
4.1.2 Attributes and grammatical kinds
4.1.3 Information family
4.1.4 Information community
4.1.5 Sense Ц orientation word-combinations of
offers and judgments
4.2 Conceptual bases of natural representation
and development of knowledge
Representation of knowledge
4.3 Information need
4.4 Development of knowledge
4.5 Network development of knowledge
4.6 Subject semantic situational environments
5. Symbolically-conceiving robots - 32 h.
5.1 Functional structure symbolically-conceiving
the robot
5.2 Neural
Ц network recognition
of persons of speech of texts and synthesis of speech
5.3 Quantum-determinate memory
5.4 Processor of the analysis of modules of the
5.5 Processor of moving of modules on
non-uniform memory
5.6 Processor of moving of the general data on
modules of the program
5.7 Symbolical thinking of the robot
5.8 Natural-symbolical speech and written
dialogue of the person with the robot
5.9 Functional imitation of behavior
6. Programs with the determined references to
modules Ц 3 h.
6.1 Initial algorithms
6.2 Initial programs
6.3 Canonical
module connected programs
7. Operational schemes with natural
interpretation for construction canonical module connected programs - 10 h.
8. Integration symbolically-conceiving the robot
with Internet a network Ц 8 h.
1. Imitationаааааа ofаааааа informationааааааа activity./ E.G.Bryndin. Russia: "Publisher",
2. Natureаа ofаа informationа аactivity./аа E.G.Bryndin. Russia: "Publisher",
3. Symbolthinking robot./ E.G. Bryndin. Russia Ц Novosibirsk: NSU, 2000.
Ц 50 p.
SYMBOL-THINKING ROBOT WITH MAN AND ENVIRONMENT / E.G.Bryndin.-а Moscow: УJ. Ц Information technologyФ ╣ 6,
Evgeny G. Bryndin - Research center УNATURE INFORMATICФ, Russia,
Research Centre "NATURAL
INFORMATIC", Russia, Novosibirsk
1. Possibilities of the information robot.
Information robotа will beаа elaborated onа theа base of naturalа informationаа technology.а Robotа willа
have the sight, the speech,а the
hearing, theаа mentality, theа sense ofа
touch,а the possibilityаа of communication withа manа
or otherаа robots.аа Robotааа
willаа writeааа andаааа
readаа in variousаа languagesаа
andа translateаа fromаа
anyа language intoа anotherаа
one.а Robotаа as likenessаа ofа aа manааа
on possibilitiesаа toаа learn,ааа
develop knowledge,а trainа in theаа
differentаа objectа fields,а
recognizeаа interlocutor,
communicate with theа help ofа the speechа
and to writeа and readа inаа
variousаа languages,а masterаа
theаа complicated
professions,ааа workааа inааа
cosmos,ааа prognosticateаа the information developmentаа ofаа
aаа society,аа developаа
the information contact with civilizations of the Universe.
2. Functional structure of the symbolthinking
robotаа hasа theаа
receptive system, the system of speech input of information need,а thesystemа
ofа realization of
informationа need. The systemа of realizationа ofа informationа needа
containsа theа system of knowledgeаа mastering, the system of knowledgeа development, theа systemа ofаааа training,а basesа of knowledge, bases
of skill,а theа neural-networkаа
systemа ofа reading,аа
writing systemа andа the mechanicalа robot. Theа system of
knowledge developmentаа containsа differentаа
modelsааа ofаа knowledge development.а The systemа
ofа trainingа containsа
modelsа of translation. The
mechanicalа robot hasа the system ofа sense ofаа touch.аа Theааааа
receptiveаа systemа containsааааа the neural-network system of interlocutor recognition.
Base of skill contains the rules ofа senseorientation ofа knowledgeа
development,а rulesаа of synthesisаа ofа new elementаа ofаа
knowledge,а proceduresаа ofа
realizationаа of information
unit of communicationа between
robot and theа receptiveаа systemа
isаа introducedа intoа
robot withа interlocutorа throughа
neural-networkа systemа ofа
the recognitionа ofа interlocutorаа face.а Ifаа robotаа
"doesn't know" interlocutor, thenа receptiveа systemа remembersаа
the speechаа dictionaryаа andаа
face.ааа Ifаааа robotааа
"knows" interlocutor,а
thenаа afterаа recognitionа ofаа theааа face, receptiveаа systemаа tunesа theа
hearingа receptive field of
system ofа speech inputа of informationа need on theа speech
ofаа interlocutor.аа Thenаа
theаааа information contactа begins.а
Interlocutorа of theа robotа
mayа beа man, information robot, radio,а
TVа set,а telephone andаа distant electro-magnetic radioconnection.
ofаа speechа inputаа
transformsаа information need intoаа theа
textаа inаа functionalаа naturalа language.
Systemаа ofаа realizationаа ofаа informationаа needааа tunes the robot
through information receptive fieldа
toа knowledge mastering, or to
development of knowledge, or to training of interlocutor, or to translation, or
to readingа of text,а or to writing,а or toа make mechanical
ofаа realizationааа ofаа
informationааа need isа dictionaryа
ofа essenceа of information receptive field, bases of
knowledge,а bases ofаа skill. To addressаа the base ofа knowledge
isа carriedа outаа onа theа
semanticа markа of informationа need.аа Informationа receptiveа
fieldа inаа the process of realizationа of informationаа needаа canаа change modelsаа ofаааа developmentааа ofа
knowledgeаа havingааа the differentа natural presentation of the equivalentаа essence, andа alsoа transformаа
the realization of informationаа
need from presentation ofа one
model into another one.аааа System
elaboratesаа theа textааа
ofа realizationааа ofа
information needаа forа theааа
timeа ofа ааknowledgeа
development,ааа or training,а orа
systemа whichа transformsа
text into realization.а Thisа systemа
alsoа informs interlocutor about
the end of the workа about mastering of
knowledge, orа about readingа ofа
theа text,а orа
aboutа writing, or about making
mechanical jobs.
3. Conception basis of natural symbolic
imitation of the mentality.
The notion'sа system whichа correlates theаа elements ofаа knowledgeаааа withаааа
reality,аааа symbolicааа natural presentation of knowledge and
naturalа symbolicа realizationа
of informationа needsаа areа
takenа asа aа
basisа of natural symbolicа imitation ofа the mentality.
Systemаа ofааа knowledgeаа isаа representedаа asа
the senseorientationalаа
distributingаа environment.аа Baseаа
of knowledgeа containsа theа
developingа knowledge from
natural elements.аа Knowledgeаа isааа
representedаа asаа graphааа
of senseorientation.
The naturalа presentation ofа knowledge isа necessary for theаа
mentality imitation.аа The
mentalityа consistsа of thinkingа
acts.ааа Thinkingаа actааа
is аааunitаа ofаааа
the information activity.аа
Thinking actаа is realizedаа onа
the situation scheme. Situation schemeаа
isа fixingа theаа
logic of the thinkingа act.
Mentality imitationа isа supportedа
by procedures ofаа the
realizationаа of theаа informationа need andа isа representedа
as succession of operations withа
unit of knowledge.а These
proceduresа areаа based uponа
analysis, splitting,аа
synthesisаа ofа elementsааа
ofа knowledgeаа and senseorientationalааа rules.а
Naturalааа presentationаа of knowledge, situationаа schemes,а
senseorientationalаа rules and
proceduresа of theа realization ofа the information need permits toаа
imitateа theаа mentalityа
byаа theа modelsаа
of the knowledge development.
Models develop theа knowledge by
realizationа of the informationа needsа
onа theаа baseа ofа theаа
interrogative, narrative, inducementа
illocutive functions.а Realization
of information needs is carriedа out
withа the networkа of the elementа developmentа ofа knowledgeа
byа theа procedureаа of realizationа usingа
theаа sign,а situation-sign,аа situation schemes of knowledge elements [1,2,3].
For naturalа symbolic
imitationа of concreteа subject mentality it is necessary:аа firstly, forming ofа developing subjectаа senseаа situationаа environmentаа andаа itsаа type information needs, secondly, forming
of models ofа knowledge developmentа andа
revealingа theа senseorientation rules for theа compositionа
ofа theаа proceduresа ofа realizationаа of information needsа in
subjectа sense situationа environment, thirdly,а compositionаа ofа theаа networkа
ofаа theа element realizationа ofа
informationа needs,а fourth,а
revealing the senseorientationаа
systemааа forаа makingааа
concreteааа the realizations of
informationа needs by elementsа of knowledge of subject senseа situation environment, fifth,а creation of system of natural symbolic
(text, speech) relations.
1. Imitationаааааа ofааа аааinformationааааааа
activity. E.G.Bryndin. Russia: "Publisher", 1993.-185p.
2. Natureаа ofа аinformationаа activity./аа E.G.Bryndin.- Russia:
"Publisher", 1995.-75p.
3. Symbolthinking robot./ E.G. Bryndin. аRussia - Novosibirsk: NSU, 2000. Ц 50 p.
SYMBOL-THINKING ROBOT WITH MAN AND ENVIRONMENT / E.G.Bryndin.-а Moscow: УJ. Ц Information technologyФ ╣ 6,
Evgeny G. Bryndin - Research center УNATURE INFORMATICФ, Russia,